I'm sure that every person that has ever embarked on something they were not experts on had those "what the heck" moments. Moments in which you had no clue what to do and where to start looking for those answers. Although this blog will not solve every "what the heck" moment that has ever occurred in your life, we will attempt to solve issues related to home renovation, home improvements and construction/ design questions in general. Because truth to be told, most of the people are not experts when it comes to construction and design. Heck, even me, who is an architectural designer with formal education in architecture and years of experience is not an expert in so many questions related to building construction and design. It's a field in which you never stop learning because it never stops evolving and changing. There is always a better solution out there that one gets to know through years of experience.
So long story short, every week I will publish a post designed to solve your "what the heck" moments and hopefully inspire you to ask a question - "What is the hack to this problem." As I've mentioned before, I'm not a expert in all areas of building construction and design, that's why I will engage local professionals in those specific areas to get their opinion on what is the best solution to your problem.
Please share your questions related to building construction and design, starting from "Where the heck do I start with this building renovation?" to "What the heck this pipe is here for?"
Have a great day,
Victoria Zamchevska